Is your company maximizing its potential with expert assistance?

B-BBEE Consultancy
Edu Wize provides its clients with a comprehensive consultancy service to optimize B-BBEE ratings. Our experienced consultants assist clients to navigate B-BBEE legislation, improve internal processes and data processing to maximise B-BEEE scorecard points. Our expertise extends across multiple sectors, industries and niches.
Our SANAS B-BBEE Technical Assessors, have rigorous experience within the legal and compliance sectors. They share a particular focus on B-BBEE; PPPFA; Employment Equity & Skills Development legislation. Assessors provide consulting services on the generic and sector specific B-BBEE codes of good practice. They are adept at board-level reporting, risk management, and overseeing government programs at national, provincial and municipal levels.

Skills Development facilitator Services
Edu Wize offers a complimentary Skills Development Facilitator service to its Learnership clients. Our experienced Skills Development Facilitators can assist with the preparation and submission of Workplace Skills Plans as well as Annual Training Reports. Involvement in this process allows Edu Wize to ensure that clients obtain the maximum benefits available for their Skills Development initiatives.
With over two decades of expertise in HR, training, and skills development, our Skills Development Facilitators (SDFs) bring invaluable experience. Our SDFs have obtained invaluable experience in the human capital sectors of a wide range of South African companies. Serving both as in-house professionals and external service providers, they are pivotal to crafting effective skills development strategies and ensuring strict adherence to legal requirements. Our deadline driven SDFs are instrumental in drafting Workplace Skills Plans (WSP) and Annual Training Reports (ATR) for relevant Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs). They consistently secure the maximum grants and incentives for our clients.
OHSE Training Audit and Assessment
Health and Safety, and legislative compliance is something that is overlooked in private companies and can result in loss of life, financial claims against the company and directors as well as loss of production and company credibility.
Edu Wize offers a full legislative training compliance audit and assessment for board members to properly gauge a company’s compliance and risk profile. A training report can then be drawn up and implemented to ensure proper safety measures and processes are in place, specifically addressing key areas in the Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act, No. 181 Of 1993.
Edu Wize provides a comprehensive turnkey solution designed to help private equity investors maintain compliance across their portfolio. This ensures that neither shareholders nor directors face risks associated with contingent liabilities.
YES for Youth
The YES initiative addresses youth unemployment and fosters economic growth. The Youth Employment Service (YES), a South African Not-for-Profit Organisation (NPO), aims to address the youth unemployment crisis in South Africa by enabling 12-month quality jobs* for unemployed youth. Edu Wize has managed multiple corporate’s YES. Our experience means our clients get an experienced service provider who can maximise the benefits of participation all the while ensuring compliance with the terms of the initiative.
Edu Wize leverages its extensive experience in managing the Youth Employment Service (YES) initiative to guide clients through the program’s intricacies. We provide end-to-end support, from identifying eligible youth and creating meaningful job opportunities to ensuring compliance with YES requirements. Our expertise in navigating the legislative landscape allows us to optimize the benefits for our clients, including B-BBEE score enhancement and social impact. By partnering with Edu Wize, clients can confidently contribute to youth employment while fulfilling their corporate social responsibilities.